重磅分享!WHO《制药生产技术转移指南》(中英文对照版)! 您所在的位置:网站首页 最新的产品 英语 重磅分享!WHO《制药生产技术转移指南》(中英文对照版)!


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Test测试 Considerationsfor transfer转移的考量 Replicationof tests测试重复次数 Set-up设置 Acceptance criteria Direct接受标准 Statistically derived统计推导 Assay for potency效价分析 Specific methods where possible should be used如有可能应使用专属性方法A bracketing approach may be used for multiple strengths对于不同规格可使用括号法 At each site:每个实验室:2 analysts × 3 lots, in triplicate (= 18 per site)2分析师× 3批,重复三次(每个实验室18次) Different setsof instruments and columns不同的仪器和柱组合Independent solution preparation独立的溶液配制 Comparison of mean and variability比较平均值和偏差 Two one sided t-tests with inter-site differences ≤2% , 95% confidence双单侧t检验,实验室间差异≤2% @95%置信度 ContentUniformity含量均匀性 If method is equivalent to assay method, separate transfer is not usually required如果该方法与含量测定方法等同,则通常不需要分别转移 At each site:每个实验室:2 analysts, × 1 lot (= 2 per site)2分析师×1批(=每个实验室2次) Different sets of instruments and columns不同的仪器和柱组合Independent solution preparation独立的溶液配制 Mean at RU within ± 3% of mean at SU;接收方的平均值在转移方平均值的±3%以内comparison of relative standard deviation比较相对标准偏差 Two one sided t-tests with inter-site differences ≤ 3% , 95% confidence双单侧t检验,实验室间差异≤3% @95%置信度 Dissolution溶出度 Bracketing maybe appropriate for multiple strengths对于不同规格可使用括号法 6 units (12, if not routine at RU, and for extended release products)6个单位(12个,如接收方不作为常规测试,和延长放行产品) Mean at RU within ± 5% of mean at SU接收方的平均值在转移方平均值的±5% Compare profile (e.g. F2), or compare data at Q time points, as for assay比较资料(如F2),或比较Q时间点的数据


WHO guidelines on the transfer of technologyin pharmaceutical manufacturing




1. Introduction


2. Scope


3. Glossary


4. Due diligence and gap assessments


5. Organization and management


6. Quality management and quality risk management


7. Documentation


8. Premises


9. Equipment and instruments


10. Qualification and validation


11. Product life cycle and project management principles


12. Phases of a technology transfer project


Phase I: Project initiation

阶段1 :项目启动

Phase II: Project proposal

阶段2 :项目计划

Establishing a team 建立团队 Risk assessment 风险评估 Project plan 项目计划 Control strategy 控制策略

Phase III: Project transfer

阶段3 项目转移

Production: transfer (processing, packaging) 生产:转移(工艺、包装) Starting materials 起始物料 Active pharmaceutical ingredients 活性药物成分 Excipients 辅料 Information on process and finished pharmaceutical products information 关于工艺和药物成品的信息 Packaging 包装 Quality control: analytical method transfer 质量控制:分析方法转移 Cleaning 清洁

Phase IV: Project review

阶段4 :项目回顾



Further reading




Appendix 1. Example of documentation commonly required for the transferof technology

附录1. 技术转移通常需要的文件示例

Appendix 2. Example of possible experimental designs and acceptancecriteria for analytical testing

附录2. 分析测试可能的实验设计和接受标准示例

1. Introduction


1.1. Production and control procedures, validation and otherrelated activities may be transferred from one site to another site prior toobtaining a marketing authorization. In some cases, this transfer takes placeafter the approval of, for example, a product, by a regulatory authority. Thistransfer can be, for example, from drug discovery to product development; toclinical trials; or to full-scale commercialization and commercial batchmanufacturing; cleaning and validation.


1.2. A technology transfer, particularly one between differentcompanies, has legal and economic implications. If such issues, which mayinclude intellectual property rights, royalties, pricing, conflicts of interestand confidentiality agreements, are expected to impact on the open communicationof technical matters in any way, they should therefore be addressed before andduring the planning and execution of the transfer.


1.3. A technology transfer requires aplanned approach by trained, knowledgeable personnel working within a qualitysystem, with documentation, data and information covering all aspects ofdevelopment, production and quality control (QC), as applicable.

技术转移需要由经过培训的具备丰富知识并在质量体系内工作的人员进行规划,并有包含所有开发、 生产和质量控制(QC)(如适用)的文件记录、数据和信息。

1.4. A technology transfer takes placebetween a sending unit (SU) and a receiving unit (RU). In some cases, there maybe a separate unit managing the project.


1.5. The technology transfer projectshould fulfil the following general principles and requirements.


There should be:


a documented project plan covering therelevant aspects of the project; 书面的项目计划,包含项目的各相关内容; a detailed risk management plan; 详细的风险管理计划; a comprehensive technical gap analysis,including due diligence performed covering technical and regulatory aspects; 全面的技术差距分析,包括覆盖技术和法规方面的尽职调查; similar capabilities between the SU andRU, including but not limited to, facilities and equipment; SU 与 RU 之间能力相似,包括但不仅限于设施和设备; an adequate number of adequately trainedpersonnel with suitable qualifications and experience; and 有足够数量经过充分培训的人员,具备适当的资质和经验;并且 effective process and product knowledgemanagement. 有效的工艺和产品知识管理。

1.6. A technology transfer should includerelevant documentation, data, information and knowledge from the SU in order toenable the RU to effectively perform the specified process or procedure in, forexample, production and QC. A successful transfer of technology should resultin proof that the RU can routinely reproduce the transferred product, processor procedure against a predefined set of specifications as agreed between theSU and RU.

技术转移应包括来自转移方的相关文件、数据、信息和知识,使得接收方能够有效实施指定的工艺或方法,例如生产和 QC。成功的技术转移应证明接收方可以常规化地按转移方与接收方之间预定的标准生产出所转移的产品、工艺或方法。

1.7. This document should be read inconjunction with other WHO guidelines as referenced below (2-14), as well asother regulatory guidelines which include The International Council for Harmonisationof Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) Q7, Q8, Q9,Q10 and Q11. This guideline does not intend to replace any of these guidelines.

本文应与参考文献 2-4 所列其它 WHO 指南,以及其它法规指南一起阅读,其中包括ICHQ7、 Q8、 Q9、 Q10 和 Q11。本指南无意取代这些指南。

1.8. This version of the guidelineprovides updated requirements and expectations reflecting current goodpractices (GxP) in the transfer of technology and replaces the previous versionpublished (1).

本版指南对要求和期望进行了更新,从而反映对技术转移的现行 GXP 要求,取代之前发布的版本。

2. Scope


2.1. This document provides guidingprinciples on technology transfer.


2.2. This guideline should be applied whentransferring the technology of processes and procedures relating to activepharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), in-process bulk materials, finishedpharmaceutical products (FPPs), process validation, cleaning procedure developmentand validation and analytical procedures.

本指南应用于与 API、制剂中间体、制剂成品(FPP)、工艺验证、清洁程序开发和验证以及分析方法有关的工艺和方法技术转移。

2.3. The guideline applies to all pharmaceuticaldosage forms and may be adapted on a caseby- case basis by using riskmanagement principles. Particular attention should be given to certain complexformulations such as, for example, sterile products and metered dose aerosols.


2.4. Although this document focuses onpharmaceutical products, the principles can also be applied to the transfer ofproduction, related processes and controls for other products such as biopharmaceuticalproducts, vaccines, medical devices and vector control products.


2.5. Because eachtransfer project is unique, the provision of a comprehensive set of guidelines specificto a product or process is beyond the scope of this document.


2.6. This document does not provide guidance on anylegal, financial or commercial considerations associated with technology transferprojects.


2.7.This document addresses the following principal areas:


organizationand management of the transfer; 转移的组织与管理; transferof development information in production, including but not limited to processingand packaging; 生产开发信息的转移,包括但不仅限于工艺和包装; transferof development information and analytical procedures; 开发信息和分析方法的转移; documentation,premises, equipment; 文件、设施、设备; personnelqualification and training; 人员资质与培训; qualitymanagement and risk management; 质量管理和风险管理; lifecycle approach; 生命周期方法; controlstrategy; and 控制策略;以及 qualificationand validation. 确认与验证。



Thedefinitions given below apply to the terms used in these guidelines. They havebeen aligned as far as possible with the terminology in related WHO guidelinesand Good Practices and included in the WHO QualityAssurance of Medicines Terminology Database - List of Terms and relatedguideline https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/medicines/norms-andstandards/guidelines/mqa-terminology-sept-2020.pdf?sfvrsn=48461cfc_5 ), but mayhave different meanings in other contexts.

以下定义适用于本指南中所用术语。它们目前为止已尽可能与WHO 药品质量保证术语数据库中相关 WHO指南和优良规范及保持一致,但在其它语境中可能会有所不同。

acceptance criteria.


Measurable terms under which a test result will beconsidered acceptable.


active pharmaceutical ingredient (API).

活性药物成分 (API)

Any substance or mixture of substances intended to beused in the manufacture of a pharmaceutical dosage form and that, when so used,becomes an active ingredient of that pharmaceutical dosage form. Suchsubstances are intended to furnish pharmacological activity or other directeffect in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease,or to affect the structure and function of the body.

准备用于制剂生产成为其中活性成分的物质或其混合物。此类物质用于改变 药效活性或其它直接影响诊断、治愈、缓解、治疗或预防疾病影响或影响人体结构和功能。


A commonly used acronym for “attributable, legible,contemporaneous, original and accurate that puts additional emphasis on theattributes of being complete, consistent, enduring and available – implicitbasic ALCOA principles.

常用术语,代表“可归属、清晰、同步、原始和准确”, +号表示完整性、一致性、持久性和可及性—基本 ALCOA 原则的暗含意思



An experimental design to test the extremes of, forexample, dosage strength. The design assumes that the extremes will berepresentative of all the samples between the extremes.


change control.


A formal system by which qualified representatives ofappropriate disciplines review proposed or actual changes that might affect avalidated status. The intent is to determine the need for action that wouldensure that the system is maintained in a validated state.


control strategy.


A planned set of controls, derived from current productand process understanding that assures process performance and product quality.The controls can include parameters and attributes related to API and finishedpharmaceutical product materials and components, facility and equipmentoperating conditions, in-process controls, finished product specifications andthe associated methods and frequency of monitoring and control.

来自当前产品和工艺理解的经过规划的一系列控制,可确保工艺性能和产品质量。这些控制措施可包括 API 和制剂物料和组份有关的参数和属性、设施和设备操作条件、中控、成品标准和相关方法与监测和控制频次。

corrective action.


Any action to be taken when the results of monitoring ata critical control point indicate a loss of control.




Having the potential to impact on product quality orperformance in a significant way.


critical control point.


A step at which control can be applied and is essentialto prevent or eliminate a pharmaceutical quality hazard or to reduce it to anacceptable level.


design qualification.


Documented evidence that, for example, the premises,supporting systems, utilities, equipment and processes have been designed inaccordance with the requirements of good manufacturing practices (GMP).

证明例如设施、支持系统、公用系统、设备和工艺的设计符合 GMP 要求的书面证据

design space.


The multidimensional combination and interaction of inputvariables (e.g. material attributes) and process parameters that have beendemonstrated to provide assurance of quality


drug master file.


Detailed information concerning a specific facility,process or product submitted to the medicines regulatory authority, intendedfor incorporation into the application for marketing authorization.


finished pharmaceutical product (FPP).


A product that has undergone all stages of production,including packaging in its final container and labelling. An FPP may containone or more active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs).

经过了所有生产步骤包括包装在最终容器中并贴上标签的产品。一种 FPP 可包括一种或多种 API

gap analysis.


The identification of the critical elements of a processwhich are available at the sending unit (SU) but are missing from the receivingunit (RU).

good manufacturing practices (GMP).

良好生产规范 (GMP)

That part of quality assurance which ensures thatpharmaceutical products are consistently produced and controlled to the qualitystandards appropriate to their intended use and as required by the marketingauthorization.


in-process control (IPC).


Checks performed during production in order to monitorand, if necessary, to adjust the process to ensure that the product conforms toits specifications. The control of the environment or equipment may also beregarded as a part of in-process control.


installation qualification (IQ).


Documented verification that the installations (such asmachines equipment and instruments, computer system components, measuringdevices, utilities and manufacturing) used in a processor system areappropriately selected and correctly installed, in accordance with establishedspecifications.

证明工艺或系统所用装置(如机器、设备和仪器、计算机系统组件、测量装 置、公用系统和生产)根据既定标准经过恰当选择,正确安装的文件化工 作。

intercompany transfer.


A transfer of technology between the sites of differentcompanies.


intracompany transfer.


A transfer of technology between sites of the same groupof companies.


operational qualification (OQ).


Documented verification that the system or subsystemperforms as intended over all anticipated operating ranges.


performance qualification (PQ).


Documented verification that the equipment or systemperforms

consistently and reproducibly within definedspecifications and parameters in its normal operating environment (i.e. in theproduction environment).

证明设备或系统性能在正常操作环境下(即生产环境下)持续重复满足既定 标准和参数的文件化工作。

process validation.


The collection and evaluation of data, from the processdesign stage through to commercial production, which establishes scientificevidence that a process is capable of continuously delivering the finishedpharmaceutical product meeting its predetermined specifications and qualityattributes.

从工艺设计阶段到商业化生产过程中建立科学证据证明工艺有能力持续生产 出满足既定标准和质量属性的数据集合与评估



Documented evidence that premises, systems or equipmentare able to achieve the predetermined specifications when properly installed,and/or work correctly and lead to the expected results.

证明设施、系统或设备经过恰当安装和/或正确运行并得到预期结果,有能力 达到既定标准的文件化证明

qualification batches.


Those batches produced by the receiving unit (RU) todemonstrate its ability to reproduce the product .


quality assurance (QA).


“Quality assurance” is a wide-ranging concept coveringall matters that individually or collectively influence the quality of aproduct. It is the totality of the arrangements made with the objective ofensuring that pharmaceutical products are of the quality required for theirintended use.


quality control (QC).


All measures taken, including the setting of specifications, sampling, testing and analytical clearance, to ensure thatstarting materials, intermediates, packaging materials and finishedpharmaceutical products (FPP) conform with established specifications foridentity, strength, purity and other characteristics.

为确保起始物料、中间体、包材和成品(FPP)符合既定的鉴别、含量、纯 度和其它属性标准所执行的所有工作,包括设置标准、取样、检测和分析清场

quality planning.


Part of quality management, focused on setting qualityobjectives and specifying necessary operational processes and related resourcesto fulfil the quality objectives.


quality policy.


A brief statement that describes the organization’spurpose, overall intentions and strategic direction; provides a framework forquality objectives; and includes a commitment to meet applicable requirements.

说明公司的目的、全面目标和策略方向,表达质量目标框架,包括承诺满足 适用要求的简要声明

quality risk management (QRM).

质量风险管理 (QRM)

A systematic process for the assessment, control,communication and review of risks to the quality of the pharmaceutical productthroughout the product’s life cycle.


receiving unit (RU).


The involved disciplines at an organization where adesignated product, process or method is expected to be transferred.


sending unit (SU).


The involved disciplines at an organization from where adesignated product, process or method is expected to be transferred.


standard operating procedure (SOP).


An authorized written procedure giving instructions forperforming operations, not necessarily specific to a given product or material, but of a more general nature (for example, operation of equipment,maintenance and cleaning, validation, cleaning of premises and environmentalcontrol, sampling and inspection). Certain standard operating procedures may beused to supplement product-specific master and batch production documentation.

经过批准的程序,给出执行操作的指令,不一定是某个具体的产品或物料, 可能是更为通用的(例如设备的操作、维护和清洁、设施的验证和清洁、环 境控制、取样和检查)。特定的标准操作规程可能会被用于补充产品专用的主生产文件和批生产文件

transfer of technology.


A logical procedure that controls the transfer of anyprocess, together with its documentation and professional expertise betweendevelopment and manufacture or between manufacture sites. It is a systematicprocedure that is followed in order to pass the documented knowledge andexperience gained during development and/or commercialization to anappropriate, responsible and authorized party.

控制工艺及其文件和专业知识在开发方与生产方或在不同生产场所之间进行 转移的逻辑程序。它是一个系统化的程序,遵守它是为了将开发和/或商业化 期间所获得的文件化知识和经验转移至恰当的负责的经过授权的另一方。

technology transfer report.


A documented summary of a specific technology transferproject listing procedures, acceptance criteria, results achieved andconclusions.




Action of proving and documenting that any process,procedure or method actually and consistently leads to the expected results.


validation master plan (VMP).


A high-level document that summarizes the manufacturer’soverall philosophy and approach, to be used for establishing performanceadequacy. It provides information on the manufacturer’s qualification andvalidation work programme and defines details of and timelines for the work tobe performed, including a statement of the responsibilities of thoseimplementing the plan.

汇总了生产商全面理念和方法,用于建立性能充分性的高层次文件。它提供 的是生产商的确认和验证工作程序,规定了准备执行的工作的时间表,包括 这些计划实施的职责说明。

validation protocol (VP).


A document describing the activities to be performedduring validation, including the acceptance criteria.


validation report (VR).


A document in which the records, results and evaluationof validation are documented and summarized. It should also contain aconclusion of the outcome of the validation.

一份记录和汇总了验证记录、结果和评估的文件,还应包括有验证结果的结 论

4. Due diligenceand gap assessments


4.1. A process of duediligence, gap assessment or audits of the SU and RU should be one of the firststeps when considering a technology transfer project.


4.2. The suitability and degree of preparedness of the RU should beassessed prior to the start of the transfer. The procedure to be followedshould be documented.


4.3. The assessment should be done by a team of appropriately qualifiedpersons with knowledge and experience in the field of GxP and the activity tobe transferred.


4.4. The assessment should further cover resources including personnel,premises, equipment and instruments, utilities, QC, documentation, computerizedsystems, qualification and validation and waste management.


4.5. The assessment to determine feasibility and readiness for technologytransfer may include technical, business, regulatory and legal aspects.


5. Organization and management


5.1. All technology transfer activities should be organized andplanned.


5.2. There should be a formal agreement between the parties whichspecifies the responsibilities of each party before, during and after transfer.The agreement should cover, for example, data management, data integrity,documentation and validation.


5.3. All the necessary activities to be executed during thetechnology transfer project should be identified, organized and documented atthe start of the project. Responsibilities should be defined.


5.4. The SU should provide the necessary documentation relating tothe process, product or procedure to be transferred.


5.5. The SU should provide criteria and information on inherentrisks, hazards and critical steps associated with the process, product orprocedure to be transferred. This may serve as a basis for the risk assessmentexercise.


5.6. The technology transfer should be managed by responsiblepersons from the SU and RU. A technology transfer team may be appointed withidentified and documented responsibilities.


5.7. The team members should have the necessary qualifications andexperience to manage the particular aspects of the transfer.


5.8. The SU should make all the necessary information and knowledgewith regard to the product, process or procedure available in relevantdocuments in order to ensure a successful transfer.


5.9. A training programme should be implemented specific to theprocess, product or procedure to be transferred.


5.10. Any changes and adaptations made during the course of theproject should be fully documented and agreed to by both parties.


5.11. The execution of the technology transfer project should bedocumented in a report which is supported by the relevant data.


5.12. Data should meet ALCOA+ principles.

数据应符合 ALCOA+原则。

6. Quality management and quality riskmanagement


6.1. The SU and RU should each have an appropriately designed,clearly defined and documented quality system.

转移方和接收方 都应该有一个适当设计、明确定义和书面的质量体系。

6.2. The quality system should be adequately resourced,implemented and maintained.


6.3. The quality system should incorporate GxP which should beapplied to the life cycle stages of the products and processes, including thetechnology transfer.


6.4. The quality system should ensure that:


responsibilities are clearly specified inwriting; 职责有明确的书面规定 operations are clearly defined in writing; 操作有明确的书面定义 ; there is a system for quality riskmanagement; and 有一个质量风险管理系统 arrangements are made for the documentedtechnology transfer. 已就书面的技术转移作出安排。

6.5. Quality risk management should be implemented as a systematicprocess for the assessment, control, communication and review of risks.


6.6. The system for quality risk management should be described inwriting and cover appropriate areas such as, but not limited to, premises,equipment, materials, products, production, processes, QC, qualification,validation and the process of technology transfer.


6.7. The evaluation of the risk should be based on scientificknowledge and experience including that of the process and product.


6.8. The level of effort, formality and documentation of thequality risk management process should be commensurate with the level of risk.


6.9. The procedures and records for quality risk management shouldretained.


7. Documentation


Note: A list with examples ofdocuments commonly required in technology transfer is presented in Appendix 1.


7.1. An authorized technology transfer document should list theintended sequential phases and activities of the transfer. The document shouldinclude, for example, the following:


title; 标题 objective; 目的 scope; 范围 name and addresses of the SU and RU; 转移方和接收方的名称和地址 names of key personnel and theirresponsibilities; 关键人员的名字及其职责 phases of the project and actions; 项目的阶段和活动 a parallel comparison of premises,equipment, instruments, materials, procedures, and methods; 对厂房、设备、仪器、物料、程序和方法的平行比较 experimental design, quality attributes,process parameters and acceptance criteria; 实验设计、质量属性、工艺参数和接受标准 ; information on trial production batches,qualification batches and process validation; 有关试产批、确认批和工艺验证的信息 ; change and deviation management; 变更和偏差管理 arrangements for keeping retention samplesof active ingredients, intermediates and finished products, and information onreference substances where applicable; and 活性成分、中间体和成品留样的保存,以及有关对照物质的信息 ( 如适用 ); 和 review of the transfer, outcome, signature(s)and date of conclusion of the transfer. 转移、结果、转移结论签字 / 日期的审核。

7.2. Standard operating procedures (SOPs) should be followed,describing actions to be taken during the technology transfer process.


7.3. Records should be maintained for the activities performedduring the technology transfer process (e.g. a technology transfer report). Thereport content should reflect the protocol and SOPs that were followed. Thereport should summarize the scope of the transfer, the critical parameters asobtained in the SU and RU, and the final conclusions of the transfer. The discrepanciesand appropriate actions taken to resolve them should be recorded. Supportive documentswith data, results and other relevant information should be referenced in thereport and be readily available.


8. Premises


8.1. The RU should haveappropriate premises with the layout, construction and finishing to suit the intendedoperations. Utilities such as heating, ventilation and air conditioning, aswell as gas and water systems, should be appropriate for the intended process,product or procedure to be transferred.


8.2. The SU should provide the RU with information on relevant health,safety and environmental issues, including:


inherent risks of the manufacturing processes (e.g. reactive chemicalhazards, exposure limits, fire and explosion risks); 制造过程的固有风险 ( 例如反应性化学危害、接触限度、火灾和爆炸风险 ); health and safety requirements to minimize operator exposure (e.g.atmospheric containment of pharmaceutical dust); 健康和安全要求以减少操作人员暴露 ( 例如,空气中药物粉尘的控制 ); emergency planning considerations (e.g. in case of gas or dust release,spillage, fire and firewater run-off); and 应急计划考虑 ( 例如,气体或灰尘释放、泄漏、火灾和消防水溢出 ); 和 identification of waste streams and provisions for re-use, recyclingand/or disposal.

9. Equipment and instruments


9.1. The SU should provide a list of equipment and instrumentsinvolved in the production, filling, packing and QC testing. The list shouldinclude the makes and models of the relevant equipment and instruments.


9.2. Other relevant documentation may include, on a case-by-casebasis as required, drawings; manuals; maintenance procedures and records;calibration procedures and records; as well as procedures such as equipmentset-up, operation and cleaning.


9.3. A review and a side-by-side comparison of equipment andinstruments of the SU and RU should be carried out in terms of their workingprinciple, make and models.


9.4. Where the review and comparison identify any gaps ordifferences, appropriate action should be taken. This may include theadaptation of existing equipment or acquisition of newequipment. Such action should be taken by following a changemanagement procedure which should be documented.


9.5. Production volumes and batch sizes at the SU and RU should becompared. Where batch sizes are different, the impact should be assessed andthe appropriate action planned and taken. Other factors relating to equipmentto be reviewed may include:


minimum and maximum capacity; 最小和最大能力 material of construction of contactsurfaces; 接触表面的构造材料 critical operating parameters; 关键操作参数 components (e.g. filters, screens, andtemperature/pressure sensors); and 组件 ( 例如过滤器、筛和温度 / 压力传感器 ); 和 range of intended use. 预计使用范围

9.6. The impact of the potential product to be transferred, on existingproducts manufactured on site, should be assessed.


10. Qualification and validation


10.1. The extent of qualification and validation to be performedshould be determined on the basis of risk management principles.


10.2. The qualification of premises, utilities and equipmentshould be done in accordance with a qualification master plan and protocols.


10.3. Validation, such as process validation, should be done inaccordance with a validation master plan and protocols.


10.4. Where technology is transferred to commercial sites, thequalification of equipment and instruments should be completed prior to theactual technology transfer.


10.5. Process validation usually starts in research anddevelopment facilities either as prospective validation (traditional approach)or as stage I process validation (see references regarding the new approachesin process validation; and the life cycle approach). Note: Process validationshould be done according to current guidelines as published incurrent WHO Technical Report Series (3).


10.6. Procedures including processing and analytical procedures,should be appropriately validated at the SU and transferred to the RU followingdocumented procedures. Verification and validation, as appropriate, should becontinued at the RU as identified and documented in the technology transferprotocol.


10.7. For cleaning procedures, development and validation shouldbe done in accordance with the guidelines as published in current WHO TechnicalReport Series (6). Points to consider when using HBEL in cleaning validation (14) should be taken into account in establishing cleaning procedures,cleanability studies and setting acceptance limits.


10.8. Analytical procedures should be validated according to theguidelines as published in current WHO Technical Report Series (7).


10.9. Qualification and validation procedures, protocols, data andresults should be appropriately recorded. The documents should be retained asdefined in procedures.


11. Product life cycle and project managementprinciples


11.1. The relevant stage of the life cycle of the facility,equipment, instrument, utility, product, process or procedure to be transferredshould be taken into consideration when the transfer is planned and executed.


12. Phases of a technology transfer project


12.1. The technology transfer project plan may be divided intodifferent phases. These may include, for example:


Phase I: Project initiation; 阶段1:项目启动 Phase II: Project proposal; 阶段2:项目计划 establishing a team; 建立团队 risk assessment; 风险评估 project plan; 项目计划 control strategy; 控制策略 Phase III: Project transfer; and 阶段3:项目转移 Phase IV: Project review. 阶段4:项目回顾

Phase I: Project initiation


12.2. During the initiation phase of the project, a unit shouldnormally identify the need for the technology transfer. This may be because oflack of capacity, transfer from development to commercial site or transfer fromone company to another.


12.3. The units should establish initial discussion and identifywhether or not there is any interest for such a project. (See also section ondue diligence above).


12.4. The RU should be able to accommodate the intended activity.


12.5. The RU should have the necessary technical expertise,technology and capability.


12.6. A sufficient level and depth of detail to support theactivity, and any further development and optimization at the RU, should betransferred.


Phase II: Project proposal


12.7. The SU and RU should jointly establish a team that will coordinateactivities and execute the technology transfer exercise.


12.8. The team should perform a risk assessment based on theavailable data, information and knowledge of the premises, materials, products,procedures and other related information.


12.9. The team should prepare the technology transfer document.


12.10. The team should develop a control strategy which includes,for example:


risks; 风险 material attributes; 物料属性 processing steps and stages in production; 工艺步骤和生产阶段 testing steps in QC; QC测试步骤 equipment working principles and their impact on the process; 设备工作原理及其对工艺的影响 critical quality attributes (CQAs), critical process parameters(CPPs) and in-process controls; 关键质量属性(CQA),关键工艺参数(CPP)以及过程控制 QC instruments; QC仪器 acceptance criteria and limits; 可接受标准和限度 alarms and trends; 报警及趋势 personnel requirements, such as qualification and training; and 人员要求,例如资质和培训; qualification and validation. 确认与验证

Phase III: Project transfer


12.11. The team should execute the project in accordance with theprocedures and agreed plan.


Production: Starting materials


12.12. The specifications and relevant functional characteristicsof the starting materials (APIs and excipients) to be used at the RU should beconsistent with those materials used at the SU. Any properties which are likelyto influence the process or product should be identified and/or characterized.

Active pharmaceutical ingredients


12.13. The SU should provide the RU with the open part of the DrugMaster File (API master file), or equivalent information, as well as anyrelevant additional information on the API of importance for the manufacture ofthe pharmaceutical product. The following are examples of the information whichmay typically be provided; however the information needed in each specific caseshould be assessed using the principles of QRM:


manufacturer and associated supply chain; 生产商及相关供应链 step of the API to be transferred; 待转移API步骤 flow chart of synthesis pathway outlining the process, includingentry points for raw materials, critical steps, process controls andintermediates; 概述合成过程的合成路线流程图,包括原料投入点、关键步骤、过程控制和中间体; where relevant, definitive physical form of the API (includingphotomicrographs and other relevant data) and any polymorphic and solvateforms; 如相关,API的确定物理形式(包括显微照片和其他有关数据)以及任何多晶型和溶剂形式; solubility profile; 溶解性概况 if relevant, pH in solution; 如相关,溶液pH partition coefficient, including the method of determination; 分配系数,包括测定方法; intrinsic dissolution rate, including the method of determination; 溶出速率,包括测定方法; particle size and distribution, including the method ofdetermination; 粒径和分布,包括测定方法; bulk physical properties, including data on bulk and tap density,surface area and porosity as appropriate; 粉体物理特性,包括堆积密度和振实密度,比表面积和孔隙度的数据 water content and determination of hygroscopicity, including wateractivity data and special handling requirements; 含水量和吸湿性的测定,包括水活度数据和特殊处理要求; microbiological considerations (including sterility, bacterialendotoxins and bioburden levels where the API supports microbiological growth)in accordance with national, regional or international pharmacopoeiarequirements; 微生物方面的考虑(包括无菌性、细菌内毒素和生物负荷水平(如API可支持微生物生长))符合国家、地区或国际药典的要求; specifications and justification for release and end-of-lifelimits; 放行和货架期标准和论证; summary of stability studies conducted in conformity with currentguidelines, including conclusions and recommendations on retest date; 根据现行指南进行的稳定性研究的总结,包括关于复验期的结论和建议 list of potential and observed synthetic impurities, with data tosupport proposed specifications and typically observed levels; 潜在的和已发现的合成杂质清单,以及支持拟定标准和可观察水平的数据; information on degradants, with a list of potential and observeddegradation products and data to support proposed specifications and typicallyobserved levels; 关于降解产物的信息,包括潜在降解产物和已发现降解产物的清单,以及支持拟定标准和和可观察水平的数据; potency factor, indicating observed purity and justification forany recommended adjustment to the input quantity of API for productmanufacturing, providing example calculations; and 效价因子,指示所观察到的纯度,以及对产品生产所用API投入量所作任何建议调整的理由,并提供计算示例;和 special considerations with implications for storage and orhandling, including but not limited to, safety and environmental factors (e.g.as specified in material safety data sheets) and sensitivity to heat, light ormoisture. 与储存和或处理有关的特殊考虑,包括但不限于安全和环境因素(如物质安全数据表)以及对热、光或湿气的敏感性。



12.14. The specifications and relevant functional characteristicsof excipients should be made available by the SU for transfer to the RU site.The following are examples of the information which may typically be provided;however, the information needed in each specific case should be assessed usingthe principles of QRM:


manufacturer and associated supply chain; 制造商和相关供应链 deion of functionality, with justification for inclusion ofany antioxidant, preservative or any excipient; 功能描述,并说明是否包含任何抗氧化剂、防腐剂或任何赋形剂; definitive form (particularly for solid and inhaled dosage forms); 确定剂型(特别是固体制剂和吸入制剂); solubility profile (particularly for inhaled and transdermaldosage forms); 溶解度(特别是吸入制剂和透皮制剂); partition coefficient, including the method of determination (fortransdermal dosage forms); 分配系数,包括测定方法(透皮制剂); intrinsic dissolution rate, including the method of determination(for transdermal dosage forms); 溶出速率,包括测定方法(透皮制剂); particle size and distribution, including the method ofdetermination (for solid, inhaled and transdermal dosage forms); 粒径和分布,包括测定方法(固体制剂、吸入制剂和经皮制剂) bulk physical properties, including data on bulk and tap density,surface area and porosity as appropriate (for solid and inhaled dosage forms); 粉体物理特性,包括堆积密度和振实密度、比表面积和孔隙度的数据(固体和吸入制剂) compaction properties (for solid dosage forms); 压实性能(固体制剂) melting point range (for semi-solid or topical dosage forms); 熔点范围(半固体或局部制剂) pH range (for parenteral, semi-solid or topical, liquid andtransdermal dosage forms); pH值范围(非肠道制剂、半固体制剂或外用制剂、液体制剂和经皮制剂) ionic strength (for parenteral dosage forms); 离子强度(肠外制剂) specific density or gravity (for parenteral, semi-solid ortopical, liquid and transdermal dosage forms); 比密度或比重(非肠道制剂、半固体制剂或局部制剂、液体制剂和经皮制剂); viscosity and or viscoelasticity (for parenteral, semi-solid ortopical, liquid and transdermal dosage forms); 粘度和或粘弹性(适用于肠外、半固体或局部、液体和经皮制剂); osmolarity (for parenteral dosage forms); 渗透压(用于肠外剂型) water content and determination of hygroscopicity, including wateractivity data and special handling requirements (for solid and inhaled dosageforms); 水含量和吸湿性的测定,包括水活度数据和特殊处理要求(用于固体剂型和吸入剂型); moisture content range (for parenteral, semisolid or topical,liquid and transdermal dosage forms); 水分含量范围(非肠道剂型、半固体剂型或局部剂型、液体剂型和经皮剂型); microbiological considerations (including sterility, bacterialendotoxins and bioburden levels where the excipient supports microbiologicalgrowth) in accordance with national, regional or international pharmacopoeiarequirements, as applicable (for general and specific monographs); 根据国家、地区或国际药典要求对微生物的考量(包括无菌性、细菌内毒素和生物负载水平,如果辅料支持微生物滋生的话); specifications and justification for release and end-of-lifelimits; 放行限度和货架期限度的标准和论证; information on adhesives supporting compliance with peel, sheerand adhesion design criteria (for transdermal dosage forms); 支持符合脱落、剥离和粘附设计标准的胶粘剂信息(用于透皮剂型); special considerations with implications for storage and orhandling, including but not limited to, safety and environmental factors (e.g.as specified in material safety data sheets {MSDS}) and sensitivity to heat,light or moisture; and 关于储存和/或处理的特殊考虑,包括但不限于安全和环境因素(如材料安全数据表{MSDS}中规定的) 以及对热、光或湿气的敏感性; regulatory considerations (e.g. documentation to supportcompliance with transmissible animal spongiform encephalopathy certificationrequirements, where applicable). 以及监管方面的考虑(例如,在适用的情况下,支持遵从可传播动物海绵状脑病认证要求的文件)。

Information on process and finishedpharmaceutical product information


Processing, packaging


12.15. Product, process and procedure knowledge should be anessential part of the transfer process from SU to RU.

产品、工艺和方法知识应该是从 SU 转移至RU 的重要部分。

12.16. The quality target product profile, critical qualityattributes, critical process parameters, material attributes, control strategyand any other impacting elements on the quality of the product should beavailable. (See also ICH guidelines.)

质量目标产品概况、关键质量属性、关键工艺参数、原料属性、控制策略和所有其它影响产品质量的要素均应可提供(亦参见 ICH指南)。

12.17. The SU should provide the total product quality profilewith its qualitative and quantitative composition, physical deion, methodof manufacture, in-process controls, control method and specifications,packaging components and configurations, and any safety and handling considerationsto the RU. SU 应提交所有的产品质量概况及产品成分名称和各成分比例、物理状态、生产方法、中控、控制方法和标准、包装材料和参数,以及 RU的所有安全和处置考量。

12.18. The SU should provide any information on the history ofprocess development which may be required to enable the RU to perform anyfurther development and or process optimization after successful transfer.

SU 应提交工艺开发的所有历史信息,这些信息可让 RU 在转移成功之后进行更深入的开发工作或工艺优化。

12.19. Such information may include the following:


informationon clinical development (e.g. information on the rationale for the synthesis,route and form selection, technology selection, equipment, clinical tests, andproduct composition); 临床开发信息(例如,合成合理性、路线和剂型选择、技术选择、设备、临床测试和产品组成信息); informationon scale-up activities: process optimization, statistical optimization ofcritical process parameters, critical quality attributes, pilot report and/or informationon pilot-scale development activities indicating the number and disposition ofbatches manufactured; 放大活动的信息:工艺优化、关键工艺参数的统计学优化、关键质量属性、中试报告和/或中试规模开发活动的信息,指有所生产批次的数量及其处置情况; informationor report on full-scale development activities, indicating the number anddisposition of batches manufactured, and deviation and change control (sometimesreferred to as change management) reports which led to the current manufacturingprocess; 量产开发活动的信息,写明所生产批数和批处置情况,以及导向当前生产工艺的偏差和变更控制(有时称为变更管理)报告; thechange history and reasons (e.g. a change control log, indicating any changesto the process or primary packaging or analytical methods as a part of processoptimization or improvement); and ·变更历史和变更理由(例如,变更控制台账,说明为改进或优化工艺而对工艺或内包或分析方法的所有变更),以及 informationon investigations of problems and the outcomes of the investigations. 对问题的调查以及调查结果的信息。

12.20. The SU should provide to the RU information on any health,safety and environmental issues associated with the manufacturing processes tobe transferred, and the implications thereof (e.g. need for gowning or protectiveclothing).

SU 应向 RU 提供与转让的生产过程相关的任何健康、安全和环境问题的信息,以及由此产生的影响(例如,是否需要服装或防护服)。

12.21. The SU should provide to the RU information on currentprocessing and testing, including but not limited to:

SU 应向 RU 提交当前工艺和检测方面的资料,包括但不仅限于:

adetailed deion of facility requirements and equipment; 设施要求和设备的详细描述; informationonstarting materials, applicable MSDS and storage requirements for rawmaterialsand finished products; 起始物料信息,原料和成品的相关MSDS 和存贮要求; deionofmanufacturing steps (narrative and process maps or flow charts, and/ormasterbatch records), including qualification of in-processing hold timesandconditions, order and method of raw material addition and bulktransfersbetween processing steps; 生产步骤的描述(叙述和工艺图或流程图,和/或主批记录),包括中间体保存时间和条件的确认,投加原料的顺序和方法以及工艺步骤之间的散装物料转移; deionofanalytical methods; 分析方法说明; identificationandjustification of control strategy (e.g. identification of criticalperformanceaspects for specific dosage forms, identification of process controlpoints,product quality attributes and qualification of critical processingparameterranges, statistical process control {SPC} charts); designspace,in cases where this has been defined; 设计空间(如有规定); validationinformation(e.g. validation plans and reports); 验证信息(例如,验证计划和报告); annualproductquality reviews; 年度产品质量回顾; stabilityinformation; 稳定性信息; anauthorizedset of protocols and work instructions for manufacturing; and 经过批准的一套方案和生产工作指令;以及 environmentalconditionsor any special requirement needed for the facility or equipmentdepending on thenature of the product to be transferred. 以及由于所转移产品的属性而提出的场所或设备所需的环境条件或任何特殊要求;

12.22. During the transfer process, the RU should identify anydifferences in facilities, systems and capabilities and discuss these with theSU. The potential impact should be understood and satisfactorily addressed inorder to assure equivalent product quality. Based on the information receivedfrom the SU, the RU should consider its own capability to manufacture and packthe product to the required standards and should develop the relevant siteoperating procedures and documentation before the start of routine production.

12.23. Process development at the RU should address the followingtasks:

RU 的工艺开发应完成以下任务:

comparisonand assessment of suitability and qualification offacility and equipment; 对设施和设备的适宜性和资质进行比较和评估; deionofmanufacturing process and flow of personnel and of materials at the RU(narrativeand or process maps or flow charts); 对RU的制造工艺、人员和材料流动的描述(叙述和/或工艺图或流程图); determinationof critical steps in manufacture, including holdtimes, endpoints, samplingpoints and sampling techniques; 确定生产中的关键步骤,包括保持时间、端点、采样点和采样技术; writingandapproval of SOPs for all production operations (e.g. dispensing, granulationorblending or solution preparation, tablet compression, tablet coating,encapsulation,liquid filling, primary and secondary packaging and in-processQC),packaging, cleaning, testing and storage; 编写和批准所有生产操作的SOP(如调配、造粒或混合或溶液配制、片压、片涂、封包、液体灌装、一次和二次包装和过程质量控制)、包装、清洗、测试和储存; evaluationofstability information, with generation of site-specific stability data ifrequired;and 评估稳定性信息,如有需要,可生成特定地点的稳定性数据; compliancewithregulatory requirements for any changes made (e.g. in terms of batchsize). 以及对所做的任何变更(例如批量)遵守监管要求。



12.24. The transfer of packaging operations should follow the sameprocedural principles as those of the product processing.


12.25. Information on packaging to be transferred from the SU tothe RU should include specifications for a suitable container and closuresystem, as well as any relevant additional information on design, packing, processingor labelling requirements and tamper-evident and anti- counterfeiting measures.

从 SU 转移到 RU的包装信息应包括合适容器和封闭系统的规格,以及设计、包装、加工或标签要求、防拆封和防伪措施等相关附加信息。

12.26. For QC testing of packaging components, specificationsshould be provided including drawings, artwork and material.


12.27. Based on the information provided, the RU should perform asuitability study for the initial qualification of the packaging components.

根据所提供的信息, RU 应该对包装部件的初始确认进行适用性研究。

12.28. Packaging is considered suitable if it provides adequateprotection (preventing degradation of the medicine due to environmentalinfluences), safety (absence of undesirable substances released into theproduct), compatibility (absence of interaction possibly affecting medicine quality)and performance (functionality in terms of drug delivery).

如果包装能提供足够的保护(防止药物因环境影响而降解) 、安全性(不产生不良物质进入产品)、相容性(不产生可能影响药物质量的相互作用)和性能(药物传递的功能性),即认为包装是合适的。

Quality control: analytical method transfer


12.29. Analytical methods used to test pharmaceutical products,starting materials, packaging components and cleaning (residue) samples, ifapplicable, should be implemented at the testing laboratory before the testingof samples for process validation studies is performed by the RU.

在 RU 开始对工艺验证研究样品进行检测之前,应在检测实验室执行检测药品、起始物料、包装材料和清洁(残留)样品(如适用)所用的分析方法;

12.30. A protocol defining the steps should be prepared fortransfer of analytical methods. The analytical methods transfer protocol shouldinclude:


adeion of the objective, scope and responsibilities of theSU and the RU; 目的、范围和SU 和 RU 职责说明; aspecificationof materials and methods; 物料和方法标准; theexperimentaldesign and acceptance criteria; 实验设计和可接受标准; documentation(includinginformation to be supplied with the results, and report forms to beused, ifany); 文件(包括应与结果一起提供的信息和要使用的报告表格,如有) procedureforthe handling of deviations; and 偏差处理的程序,以及 detailsofreference samples (starting materials, intermediates and finished products). 对照品的详细信息(起始物料、中间体和成品)。

12.31. The SU’s responsibilities for the transfer of analyticalprocedures are to:

SU 在分析方法转移过程中的职责:

providemethod-specific training for analysts and other QC staff,if required; assist inanalysis of QC testing results; 为化验员和其它QC 员工提供方法专用的培训,协助分析 QC 检测结果(如需要); define all methods to be transferredfor testing a given product,starting material or cleaning sample; 界定检测指定产品、起始物料或清洁样品所有需要转移的方法, defineexperimentaldesign, sampling methods and acceptance criteria; 界定实验设计、取样方法和可接受标准; provideanyvalidation reports for methods under transfer and demonstrate their robustness; 提供所转移方法的所有验证报告并证明其耐用性; providedetailsof the equipment used, as necessary (part of validation report, ifavailable)and any standard reference samples; 提供所用仪器的详细信息,必要时提供所有对照品(验证报告的一部分,如有) provide approved procedures used intesting; and review and approvetransfer reports. 提供检测中所用的已批准的检测方法,并审核和批准转移报告。

12.32. The RU should exercise its responsibility to:

RU 应履行其义务:

reviewanalytical methods provided by the SU, and formally agreeon acceptancecriteria before execution of the transfer protocol; SU提供的审核分析方法,在执行转移方案之前正式同意可接受标准; ensurethatthe necessary equipment for QC is available and qualified at the RU site.Theequipment used by the RU during the analytical transfer should meet theappropriatespecifications in order to ensure the requirements of the methodorspecification are met; 确保QC具备所需的仪器,并经过确认。分析方法转移期间 RU 所用仪器应符合适当的标准,以确保满足方法要求或标准要求; ensurethatadequately trained and experienced personnel are in place for analyticaltesting; 确保有经过足够培训并具备经验的人员执行分析方法; provideadocumentation system capable of recording receipt and testing of samples totherequired specification using approved test methods, and of reporting,recordingand collating data and designation of status (approved, rejected,quarantine); 提供可记录接收样品并采用批准的检测方法按所需标准检测样品,并报告、记录和整合数据,确定其结果(批准、拒收、隔离)的文件系统; executethetransfer protocol; 执行转移方案; performtheappropriate level of validation to support the implementation of themethods;and 执行适当水平的验证以支持方法的实施,以及 generateandobtain approval of transfer reports. 生成转移报告并对其进行批准。

12.33. The appropriate training should be provided and alltraining activities and outcomes should be documented.


12.34. Reference should be made to compendial monographs such asThe International Pharmacopoeia, European Pharmacopoeia, British Pharmacopoeiaand United States Pharmacopeia), where these are available.


12.35. An experimental design should be prepared which includesacceptance criteria for the main analytical testing procedures. (See Appendix2.)

应对实验进行设计,其中包括主要分析方法的可接受标准(参见附录 2)。

12.36. Where products are transferred from one unit to another,the applicable analytical procedures should also be transferred.


12.37. All relevant analytical procedure development andvalidation documentation should be made available by the SU to the RU.

SU 应向 RU 提供所有相关的分析方法开发和验证文件。

12.38. The appropriate transfer protocols and procedures should befollowed when analytical procedures are transferred.


12.39. The number of analysts involved in the transfer, from bothSU and RU, should be defined and justified.

从 SU 转移至 RU过程中所涉及的化验员的数量应予以规定和论证。

12.40. The parameters of the analytical procedure to be includedin the validation should be defined and justified.


12.41. Acceptance criteria should be set to determine the successof the transfer. Statistical trending of results should be considered in orderto show capability of the procedure.




12.42. To minimize the risk of contamination and cross-contamination,adequate cleaning procedures should be followed.


12.43. Cleaning procedures and their validation should normally besite-specific. In order for the RU to define its cleaning strategy, the SUshould provide information on cleaning at the SU to minimize cross-contaminationdue to residues from previous manufacturing steps, operator exposure andenvironmental impact, including:

清洁程序及其验证通常为场所专用。为了让 RU 制订其清洁策略,SU 应暖手袋在 SU 的清洁信息,以尽可能减少由于之前生产步骤残留、操作工暴露和环境影响带来的交叉污染,其中包括:

informationon solubility of active ingredients, excipients and vehicles; 活性成分、辅料和载体的溶解度信息; minimumtherapeutic doses of active ingredients; 活性成分的最小治疗剂量; therapeuticcategory and toxicological assessment; and 治疗类别和毒性评估,以及 existingcleaning procedures. 现有清洁程序

12.44. Additional applicable information should be provided, suchas:


cleaningvalidation reports (chemical and microbiological); 清洁验证报告(化学和微生物); informationon cleaning agents used (efficacy, evidence that they do not interfere withanalytical testing for residues of APIs, removal of residual cleaning agents); and 所用清洁剂的信息(有效性、证明其不会干扰API 残留检测的证据,清洁剂残留的清除),以及 recoverystudies to validate the sampling methodology. 研究回收率以验证取样方法学

12.45. Before the transfer, the SU should provide information onlimits for product residues and the rationale for limit selection.

在转移之前, SU 应该提供关于产品残留限量和限量选择的基本原理的信息。

12.46. Based on the information provided by the SU, cleaningprocedures should be designed at the RU, taking into account relevantcharacteristics of the starting materials (e.g. potency, toxicity, solubility,corrosiveness and temperature sensitivity), manufacturing equipment design andconfiguration, cleaning agent and product residue.

根据 SU 提供的信息,应在 RU处设计清洗程序,考虑起始物料的相关特性(例如,效力、毒性、溶解度、腐蚀性和温度敏感性)、制造设备的设计和配置、清洗剂和产品残留物。

Phase IV: Project review


12.47. The progress and success of the transfer of technologyshould be monitored and reviewed during and after completion of the project.


12.48. Compliance with the procedures and protocols should beverified. Deviations and changes should be documented and investigated whereappropriate.

应核查对程序和规程的遵守情况。偏差和变更应记录在案, 适当时应进行调查。

12.49. Where possible, data and results should be subjected toappropriate statistical calculation and evaluation to determine trends,compliance with control limits and capability studies.

在可能的情况下,应对数据和结果进行适当的统计计算和评价,以确定趋势、 与控制限度的符合情况和能力研究。

12.50. A technology transfer report should be prepared, based onthe data and information obtained during the project. The supportive datashould be kept and be accessible.


12.51. The report, which should include a conclusion, should beauthorized by the persons responsible to do so.


Appendix 1 Example of documentation commonlyrequired for the transfer of technology


* Thetable below provides an example of documentation commonly required for thetransfer of technology.


Aspect方面 Related documentation相关文件 Starting materials (API and excipients)起始物料(API和辅料) Material Safety Data Sheets物质安全数据表Product development report产品开发报告Storage conditions储存条件Stability data稳定性数据Forced stability data强制稳定性数据Specifications标准Supplier qualification供应商确认References对照 Formulation配方 Formulation development reports配方开发报告Master formula主配方Material compatibility/interaction studies材料兼容性/相互作用研究 Batch manufacturing批生产 Batch manufacturing document批生产文件Scale up information放大信息Risk assessment风险评估Critical process parameters In-process control specification关键工艺参数过程控制标准Scale up protocol and report放大方案和报告Process validation工艺验证 Batch packaging批包装 Packaging material specification包装材料标准Batch packaging document批包装文件Validation验证 Finished product成品 Specification标准 Analytical procedures分析方法 Analytical test procedures分析测试程序Analytical method development分析方法开发Analytical procedure validation分析方法验证Standard test procedures标准测试程序Instrument specifications仪器规范 Quality control质量控制 Sampling procedures (e.g. in-process control)取样程序(例如,过程控制)Stability testing protocol and procedures稳定性测试方案和程序 Equipment and instruments设备和仪器 List of equipment and instruments设备和仪器列表Calibration information校准信息Preventive maintenance information预防性维护信息Overview of qualification确认情况概述 Cleaning清洁 Overview of cleaning approach清洁方法概述Cleaning procedure development and cleanability清洁程序开发和可清洁性Cleaning procedures清洁程序Health Based Exposure Level (Permitted daily exposure) information reports基于健康的暴露水平(允许日暴露量,PDE)信息报告Analytical procedures validation for cleaning validation sample analysis清洁验证取样分析的分析方法验证 Other documents其他文件 Rejected batch information已拒绝批次信息Bio-batch information生物批次信息Pilot batch information中试批次信息History of changes and change management变更历史和变更管理Hold time protocols and reports保存时间方案和报告

*Note: These are examples. All therequired documents should be identified for the different tasks.

Appendix 2 Exampleof possible experimental designs and acceptance criteria for analytical testing

附录2. 分析测试可能的实验设计和接受标准示例

The table below provides an example of possible experimental designs andacceptance criteria for analytical testing. The numbers in the table are givenas examples only and should not be considered as recommendations. Methodtransfers should account for the variability and sensitivity of the method andthe specifications for the quality parameter. Alternative procedures andacceptance criteria may be applied based on science and the characteristics ofthe analytical method and the analyte.


Test测试 Considerationsfor transfer转移的考量 Replicationof tests测试重复次数 Set-up设置 Acceptance criteria Direct接受标准 Statistically derived统计推导 Assay for potency效价分析 Specific methods where possible should be used如有可能应使用专属性方法A bracketing approach may be used for multiple strengths对于不同规格可使用括号法 At each site:每个实验室:2 analysts × 3 lots, in triplicate (= 18 per site)2分析师× 3批,重复三次(每个实验室18次) Different setsof instruments and columns不同的仪器和柱组合Independent solution preparation独立的溶液配制 Comparison of mean and variability比较平均值和偏差 Two one sided t-tests with inter-site differences ≤2% , 95% confidence双单侧t检验,实验室间差异≤2% @95%置信度 ContentUniformity含量均匀性 If method is equivalent to assay method, separate transfer is not usually required如果该方法与含量测定方法等同,则通常不需要分别转移 At each site:每个实验室:2 analysts, × 1 lot (= 2 per site)2分析师×1批(=每个实验室2次) Different sets of instruments and columns不同的仪器和柱组合Independent solution preparation独立的溶液配制 Mean at RU within ± 3% of mean at SU;接收方的平均值在转移方平均值的±3%以内comparison of relative standard deviation比较相对标准偏差 Two one sided t-tests with inter-site differences ≤ 3% , 95% confidence双单侧t检验,实验室间差异≤3% @95%置信度 Dissolution溶出度 Bracketing maybe appropriate for multiple strengths对于不同规格可使用括号法 6 units (12, if not routine at RU, and for extended release products)6个单位(12个,如接收方不作为常规测试,和延长放行产品) Mean at RU within ± 5% of mean at SU接收方的平均值在转移方平均值的±5% Compare profile (e.g. F2), or compare data at Q time points, as for assay比较资料(如F2),或比较Q时间点的数据

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